Fraud Account-cyber threat intelligence > 정보보안 가이드

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정보보안 가이드

정보보안 가이드

Fraud Account-cyber threat intelligence

페이지 정보

작성자 게시판관리자 작성일23-08-01 07:16 조회1,903회 댓글0건


A service that detects financial transaction fraud and abnormal transactions by collecting community fraud articles through natural language processing

You can search fraudulent account numbers and mobile phone numbers traded with fraudulent transactions and cannon bankbooks.

It can be used to prevent fraud before transactions through API integration with financial institutions, easy payment, and fintech services.

Quickly and accurately block financial fraud and fraudulent transactions that are fatal to the financial sector, fintech, and simple payment services

Through a self-developed high-performance collector, we collect and analyze a vast database of over 500 cases per day, including account numbers and phone numbers involved in fraudulent transactions, and apply differentiated natural language processing technology to effectively protect customers in financial transactions.

Multiple sources of information and fast updates

24/7 automatic collection of scattered hacking, major transactions and community information Periodically verify collected information

Data collection skills and natural language processing skills

Among the collected information, the name, transaction account, mobile number, type of fraud, etc. are closely cross-referenced.

All information in the form of screenshots and images is also parsed and provided as a DB

The related name, account, and mobile information are verified and information is provided in the form of a connection.

reliable verification structure

100% verification of account holder, account number, and bank through real-name financial API

You can use Fraud Account API by applying it to an operating service without installing Active-X or a separate EXE.

Account number search

When you enter your account number, you can check the fraud information involved

phone number search

When you enter your mobile phone number, you can see information about the scam involved

statistics and charts

Provides fraud statistics by bank and transaction site and charts by period

It can be used in various fields such as finance, fintech, simple payment, and trading platform.

source : AI Spera | 에이아이스페라


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전화: 02-705-5822 | 팩스: 02-6442-0746 | 주소: (14319) 경기도 광명시 소하로 190, A동 14층 1414호 (소하동, 광명G타워)
대표: 조대희 | 사업자등록번호: 214-88-00572 | 개인정보관리책임자: 조대희

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